The (un)common planner is a hybrid product, living on the boundary between a book and a notebook, and on the blurry line between the digital and the physical worlds. It is a tool and a process of “digital commoning”, designed to facilitate individual and collective transitions of the Athenian commons. It is something to be read, but also something to be used; it is a cross-breed between analogue insights and grassroots generated digital content. We have created a non-linear and “phygital” experience, where the readers can unearth digital information, as well as share their thoughts online, by diving in the rabbit-holes laid out throughout the publication. Non-linearity offers the reader agency and prompts participation; the narrative is incomplete without the reader.
Title: the (un)common planner
Client: Onassis Foundation, 2020
The aesthetic approach, captures the digital, asynchronous, and heterotopic dimension of the Athenian commons, in the familiarity of a slightly used personal planner. The multidimensional nature of the content (critical theory insights, prototypes from HackAthens workshop, experiences), as well as the plurality of the Athenian commons are reflected in the design, through the fluctuations in the layout’s rhythm. The slight shifts in the grid system’s balance, illustrate the liminal state of the city’s commons. The publication received an EBGE! 2021 Design Award in Book Design.
Art Direction & Experience Design: Christina Biliouri
Editor & Curator: Angelos Varvarousis
Publisher: Onassis Foundation Digital & Innovation
Photoshoot by Danai Issaris