Title: Société Magazine
Client: Société Publishing, 2017-2019
As Creative & Art Director of Société Publishing, Christina led the design of several issues of the award winning biannual publication Société Magazine, New Zealand. The issues received an EBGE! 2019 Design Award.
Société is a biannual magazine published and distributed in New Zealand, in selected locations, like first-class airport lounges and high-end shops. The magazine's mission is to raise awareness, provoke, and invite its readers to self-reflect on the way we consume, produce and consequently live. The whole team unearths beautiful untold stories from around the world, and narrates them from unique and undiscovered perspectives.
The creative and art direction of the magazine has to embody the magazine';s mission. The carefully selected imagery, attention to detail, plenty of white space, bold typography for the titles and minimal lines across the magazine, are inviting the readers to wander and reflect.
The use of collage and the rich imagery are aimed to intrigue and inspire the readers as they drift from page to page. The content is delivered in snippets, in between white space and strict geometry, inviting the readers to discover something new and interesting on any page they may land on. The short, compact texts are arranged symmetrically, but sometimes break the symmetry in order to subconsciously guide the readers to investigate and rethink their approach.
Published by Société Publishing, New Zealand.
Editors: Julianne Liebeck & Connor Patton
Creative & Art Direction: Christina Biliouri
Design: Ioannis Ergeletis
Covers by: Christina Biliouri, Samantha Cawthorn & Loukas Liakatas
Printed in New Zealand by Spectrum Print.
Bound in New Zealand by McHargs bookbinders and print finishers
Contributors: Rosie Fea, Alexandros Tzannis, Angelos Varvarousis, Hyon Gak Sunim, What Took You So Long?, Alexandros Giannios, Alexia Petsinis ---- Photographers: Areez Katki, Dave Richards, What Took You So Long? Foundation, Clari Wetzel, Alexandros Giannios, Lauren Davis, Claus Brechenmacher, Reiner Baumann, Ghinwa Daher, Nessim Stevenson, Sebastian Lindström, Philippa Young, Renée Mboya, Johan Eriksson.